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  • Writer's pictureThe Huijgens


In the quaint little town of Schwandorf, in Bavaria Germany, is where the story of John and me began. Right after my graduation, I moved here as a young speech therapist to work in a private practice. It was a great place to gain experience in the field and to learn more German. At the same time I learned a lot of Bavarian, which most of my clients spoke.

Dutch friends of mine came to visit me and asked if they could take a friend along...

That friend was John...

We fell in love and he came back on his own a few weeks later to spend a weekend with me. That was officially our first date, in which we went to Prague!

♫ They paved paradise, put up a parking lot ♫

In the year I spent in Schwandorf, I lived in an apartment let by the nuns of the local abbey. They ran the hospital right next door and also had their chapel there.

Well, 25 years later, the nuns have moved away and a beautiful new regional hospital has been built.

My apartment was gone... there now is a parking lot.

We spent two lovely days here on a free camper spot along the river Naab.

This quintessential Bavarian town will always be special to us ♡

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