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  • Writer's pictureThe Huijgens

Myron's Musings 3: Six Months

I haven’t written any edition of Myron’s Musings this whole trip till so far. I wanted to, but exploring the world is a full-time job ;)

I have been enjoying it a lot though, from little street cats living behind our campsite in Pompeii Italy, to the midnight sun at Nordkapp Norway it has been awesome!

Since I can’t tell everything that has happened in the last 6 months, I will tell you about the places I loved the most.

One of the places that scores high on the list is definitely Kalamata Greece, where we stood on a camping were you only had to cross one street and you were on the boardwalk overlooking a crystal-clear bay! With a mountain on one side, a harbour on the other side and restaurants on the beach (with delicious souvlaki) it was paradise!

Another cool place with a lot of history was Pompeii Italy, where we took a guided tour of the old city and I found it super interesting to know exactly what happened during the eruption and Pompeii’s importance before the eruption. A huge bonus (which I mentioned before) was a mama cat and two little black furballs living behind our campsite! We bought cat treats for them and for the rest of the stray cats we would see this trip.

A prime spot we got at this one campsite in Agios Konstantinos, in Greece, was where we stood 3 meters from the beach where I swam with Raija for the whole day and where stray cats were leisurely walking around on the camping!

One night in Poland we stood at the harbor entrance in Gdansk and I saw all kinds of ships coming past! It was fantastic!

The entirety of Norway was spectacular! All the fjords, mountains, and ocean all of it! If I had to choose one place in Norway it would be the Nordkapp. Driving through the tundra and past fjords it was (again) spectacular. The first day when we arrived, we couldn’t see the parking lot from the entrance because of clouds and the midnight sun was also not visible that night. But the second day was blue skies and we walked around the center and watched the panorama film. That night it was the last night where the midnight sun didn’t touch the horizon and with the prime spot we had we could sit in front of our camper and see the midnight sun. The hustle and bustle of everyone there and the exited vibe made for a very pleasant night. I thought the midnight sun is one of the most amazing phenomena! That night I went to bed at 2:00am! Luckily I got to sleep in the next morning:)

Suomi (Finland) was also nice, and I learned a lot. I went mushroom picking for the first time in my life, I learned how to prepare an old fashion wood burning sauna, and I paddle boarded for the first time! It was all very fun!

Another thing I love about traveling is playing with the kids I meet! Of most kids I don’t even know their language, so then I just bring a soccer ball and we have fun.

I also like the unusual things I see here in Europe, like delivery people (like Skip-the-dishes) on bikes! The most unusual thing till so far is the little delivery robot scurrying around Espoo!

We are now in Scotland UK (My mom is a little behind on the rest of the blog since a lot has happened lately, she will catch up soon) and it is rainy here but also beautiful. In Fort Augustus at Loch Ness, I got to operate a lock and it was very cool to see how it all worked! When we drove along Loch Ness, I of course tried to spot Nessie but didn’t find her in the end :( Today we drove from John O’ Groats to Ullapool and we saw highland cows and they are super cute!

A huge thing that has happened is that we have booked our flight tickets to Africa!!! We are flying in the beginning of November and Grandma is coming too for the first ten days! I am super exited and can’t wait!

See you in the next edition of Myron’s Musings!

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Ryan Greenspan
Ryan Greenspan
Sep 26, 2022

Amazing, Myron! So glad to see another musing. :)

- Mr. G


Sep 26, 2022

Hey Myron your musings are awesome!


Anouk Roosenboom
Anouk Roosenboom
Sep 26, 2022

Hey Myron, it was great to see you last weekend! I enjoyed your musings and can only imagine there is too much to tell. P.s. I googled Kalamata. It looks gorgeous

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